Monday, February 27, 2012

Here's a little more information, courtesy of Wikipedia.  It's a little dated but still basically the same as what's going on now.
 Georgia Train & Equip Program

Friday, February 24, 2012


Why am I going to Georgia?
In 2009 the Republic of Georgia offered military assistance to the US in Afghanistan provided we assist with training and equipment (compatible radios, etc.) So the Marines have been providing this training to the Georgians and liaison with their USMC counterparts in Afghanistan for about 2 years.  I am going because I'm the idiot who put his hand in the air to volunteer despite the current political pressure to scale back involvement in global conflicts, there are still conflicts.  Enough to still need reservists.  Plus I met all the requirements for the position.
So I'll have about 10 Marines who work for me as a headquarters plus two other groups, also of about a dozen or so, who will conduct the hands-on training with the Georgian military.  I'll be at a Georgian military base near the capital Tblisi.  No word if there's a golf course there.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Don't read this.  I'm just practicing.  I never wanted a blog, I thought medical advances had made blogs & yellow fever a thing of the past. 
"I say old chap, you look quite pale."
"Yes, I'm afraid I've caught a bad case of blogs."